Monday, January 8, 2007

Cheap Domain Parking - Earn Money From Your Parked Domain by Trevor John

Domain parking is the technical term for what you do between buying your domain name and getting round to doing something with that domain.
Chances are, you've got a number of domains that are parked, waiting for you to bring them to life.
There are various cheap domain parking services around. Some of these cheap domain parking services will help you to get some income out of your domain. Others will just help it to sit there, gathering virtual dust.
The cheapest domain parking service is your domain name registrar. In fact, if you didn't complete any name server details when you purchased your domain, chances are that you are advertising your domain name registrar for free.
The next cheapest domain parking service is your web host. If all you've done is set up the domain with your web host and pointed the name servers at the host, chances are that you will get a page that says something really interesting like "This domain is reserved for one of our customers". Gee!
If neither of those appeal, there are professional domain parking services like They're cheap to join - all it takes is a few minutes of your time - but in my experience the promised revenue turns into very little indeed. Maybe if you've got a domain with a high level of type in traffic then your mileage may vary. But for us mere mortals, I personally don't rate for parking domains.
Finally, there are some paid-for services that will actually do something with your parked domain. You can search your favorite search engine for these. Some of the ones I've found, like, charge a monthly fee. Which is OK if you make a decent amount of money from the domains. The sites created won't be exactly the best in the world - the samples I've looked definitely wouldn't win a web beauty contest. But, that said, if all you're looking for is cheap domain parking where you stand a chance of earning some money until you get round to doing something real with your domain name, then they're well worth checking out.

How To Buy Domains That Are Parked by Trevor John

Buying parked domains is a bit of a black art. It's often also a test of your detective skills. Plus you will need a dose of patience and some good negotiation skills. When you are buying a parked domain name, luck also plays its part.
So, how to buy parked domains?
Firstly you've got to find a parked domain before you can think of buying one. That's fairly easy. Go to a service like and type in a couple of your preferred keywords. This will bring up a list of all sorts of vaguely related domain names. NameBoy is good at thinking outside the box and will often come up with variants on a name that you'd never have considered before. I'll leave it up to you as to whether this is a good or a bad thing but when I'm looking to buy a parked domain name, I find it a good place to start.
Then you need to start copying and pasting the domain names into your browser.
Some will come up as live domains, some will be clearly identified as parked domains and yet more will fall into a no-mans land. Kind of the scrap heap of the internet.
If the domain has a clear "for sale" sign on it then that's good. Chances are there will be a link that allows you to contact the domain's owner without falling foul of spam filters and you can open up negotiations. Start low and work upwards is a good technique. You may also find that it's useful to ask what traffic the domain has had in the past and what sort of figure they would be looking at to sell.
A useful tool is This allows you to go back in time and see what has (or more often, hasn't) been done with the domain in the past.
Another useful site is which allows you to see the domain's history. Things like previous owners, changes of name servers, etc.
All of these will give you clues that will help you to buy parked domains.
If the domain is clearly parked but doesn't have a For Sale sign on it, you may need to do some detective work. A WhoIs service may tell you who the owner is. If it does, don't be afraid to get on the phone and call the owner. Whilst phoning is old fashioned, you'll know your enquiry got through and it may well be quicker and more reliable than email. If there isn't a working phone number, try writing.
Why not just email the owner of the parked domain? Well, for starters, email is getting less reliable nowadays. Secondly, lots of newer domains have domain name guards to stop spammers so the WhoIs details may not have contactable details. Emails sent to info@ or webmaster@ may or may not get through. They're worth a try, but don't hold your breath. At the end of the day, unless the parked domain is one that you absolutely must have, remember that there are often a number of choices that you can go through when you are looking to buy a parked domain. The domain name is only part of the equation. It's what you do with the parked domain once you've bought it that really counts!


• WHAT ARE DOMAIN NAMES Domain names are host names that provide memorable names to stand for numeric Internet protocol {IP} addresses. They make us {human beings} to easily interact with websites and other network services. Computers communicate through IP addresses e.g.,, etc. Domain names are .www.,,,, etc
• HOW TO CHOOSE DOMAIN NAMES. These tools will guide you in choosing your domain names. (a) Overture suggestion tools: It shows you how many times people searched for the word(s) or term(s) you want to register in the last one month (it is yahoo-advertising network}. It is highly recommended that it should be more than 5,000 times. (b) Google: Google search pages will show how many pages contain the word(s) or term(s). The one that appears more than 500,000 times is recommended ©View bid tool: This tool tells you what advertisers are currently bidding to pay for the word(s) or term(s) i.e. the higher, the better.
• DOMAIN REGISTRATION. The registry is the body that has the contract to handle an entire extension (sometimes more than one extension). e.g. is the registry for all .com and .net domains. Registrar stands as a middleman between the registry and the public. Most of them can register more than one extension. Examples of registrars are,,, etc. First check for the availability of the name. For example if the. Com or .net has been taken, you can choose. Info or .org
• WHO IS? Who is?: is a tool we can use to view the owner's name, address and phone number of domain name (a) You can simply type whois to a browser and lookup for the owner of the domain name. (b) You can go to Google search and type who is, it will bring out many websites that you can use to get the owner of the domain name.
• PARKING YOUR DOMAINS. This is putting your registered domains in a name server of a host parking service who has lots of advertisers sites and links. They will design and host your domain for you (free of charge) and pay you based on click through to advertisers sites. Do not be afraid that you can lose your domains for whenever you want to host your domains or sell them they will release them, just sent a mail to the parking service you are using. There are lots of companies that are into parking domains for profit e.g parked .com (pay twice in a month but you must have at least ten domains before you can be accepted), (accept at least one domain but it take 45 days after month end before payment), (takes at least one domain but it takes some days before you can get your money),, etc. The payment format can be in cheque, paypal, bank wire (if you have much money) etc. Below are samples of monetised domains,www., etc. The sign up is free (note that you have to have relevant domains for most of them do not take domains that promote sex (oral, lesbianism, sodomy, etc), abusive names, terror-like names, drug promoting names, etc.
• HOW TO SELL YOUR DOMAIN NAMES. You can buy domain as low as $8 and sell it for $1,500 depending on the importance of the domain to the buyer, the traffic to the name, nature of the name, etc. (a) There are many companies that are into domain sales e.g., Aftemic .com, etc. Just register with them free of charge and put your domains for sale there. (b) Join domain forums and list your domains for sale e.g., etc Samples of sold domains: for $35,080, for $2,625, for $730, for $14,510

Adsense alternative for lazy people by James Duarte

Adsense alternative for lazy people
Can you imagine the la web without Pay Per Click ads? No.There´s a big name in the PPC industry: Google (with the Google Adsense Program).
But even though adsense is the king at the PPC industry; there are some things that you should care about.
You should know that your account could be cancelled (even if you did nothing to break their rules).
Did you know that if someone wants to put you out of the adsense game; all that he has to do is make many clicks in your ads?
What you should do? If you still have your adsense account keep it. You´ll need to add alternatives to your domain portfolio. That´s the clue.
One alternative (if you got banned from adsense) is using Domain Parking (a great alternative for lazy people like me).
Domain Parking is a way to monetize one (or many) not developed domains.
When you park a domain; you forget about design and content issues: everything it´s managed by the domain parking company.
Where does the revenue come from? Ads. As any PPC company; they place ads in your website and they´ll pay you for the clicks you get.
Examples of domain parking companies are sedo; parked and namedrive. But domain parking has it´s secrets. And if you don´t know them; you won´t make as much as if you know them.
The Lazy Domainer covers the greatest secrets of the domain parking secret. You can start making money with domain parking in 48 hs. or less. Start Today.

Do you need Dedicated Server Hosting? by Tarun Gupta

Do you need Dedicated Server Hosting?
When it comes to website hosting, the biggest question that arises is whether there is a need for dedicated servers?
Before we trying and address that question, let's try and understand what a dedicated server is.
Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated server hosting pertains to having a single server entirely for a network/ website. That in effect means that you would not be sharing a server with others. Moreover, the dedicated servers are available on rent from web hosting companies, so you get a server all to your self and needless to say that has its own set of advantages.
Advantages of Dedicated Server Hosting
* You can provide customized and prompt online support to your clients.
Having a reliable customer support system is vital for any businesses. It gains more prominence in business models which are depended on customer interaction. That's why if your business demands prompt customer support you need to invest on a dedicated server as they are more reliable and secure as compared to shared servers.
* Maintenance of website up-time is easy Website up-time is a measure in percentage referring to the time-frame during which the website is running and is accessible via the World Wide Web. Needless to point out here that the up-time is directly related to the reliability of a website. With a dedicated server, you can monitor your website with relative ease. Which in-turn would definitely assist you in maintaining higher levels of up-time.
* Hardware and Software up gradation
With a dedicated server by your side, you can tweak it as per the peculiar hardware and software requirements of your clients. That may not be easy with shared hosting as you would be sharing space on the server and the settings would be set to common levels and hence you would not be able to change them as often as you would like to change.
* Other value added advantages
With a dedicated server, it would be easy for you to upgrade to bigger bandwidth supporting plans, which makes dedicated server a highly scalable option. Furthermore, with dedicated servers you get the option of availing data and power backup, as that might not be available with shared servers.
Disadvantages of dedicated servers
There are no visible disadvantages with dedicated servers apart from the fact that hosting on them costs you money. Whether it's a disadvantage or not will depend on the scale of your online business and if you are getting hundreds if not thousands of visitors on a daily basis then dedicated servers are the way to go.
For any online business, having a quickly downloadable and reliable website is of paramount importance. And, a dedicated server is the way to go for achieving that and much more.

Why It Is Essential To Always Renew Your Domain Names by Steve Hill

I have had a big interest with all things to do with the internet for about eight years now. I regularly communicate with a large amount of people about subjects such as web marketing and web promotion. In this article I am going to write about why it is important to always renew a domain name.
I have around sixty websites of which I would say that I have four that are my main sites. Twenty of these sites are just there, no one ever visits them and they make no money at all, year in year out. Why therefore do I keep renewing the domains on these sites? The age of a domain is very important, a site which has been around for lets say eight years is in the eyes of the major search engines likely to be around for another eight years. The reason I have no traffic on these sites is because I have not had time as yet to promote them.
Any new site is treated with quite a lot of caution by these major search engines as so may sites do not have their domain name renewed after the first year. You may have heard of the sandbox, do you really blame the search engines for implementing such a thing when there are so many internet criminals who are out to con them and to make a quick buck.
Webmasters who are in it in the long term do not really care or worry about the sandbox and actually love the concept, anything to put a stop to these fly by nights is a good thing.
I will soon get around to re-designing all of these older sites and will then of course start marketing and promoting them. I do not need to buy any new domains, I have enough already. In ten years time I believe I will have the same number of sites as I do currently, sites which will then be at least fifteen years of age.

How To Decide Which Domain Name Is Best For Your Business by Steve Hill

So you have decided the time has come for your business to have an internet prescence. Lets face it, its about time isn't it? Where have you been? The internet is here to stay and having a website to promote your services and products can have a dramatic and extremely positive effect on sales and turnover. There have been thousands if not hundreds of thousands of stories of people who make their livings purely off just one website. They have been able to give up their day job and are now able to enjoy the benefits that working from home can bring. The decision has been made, you may have even found a company to design and host your new site, all you need to think about now is what domain name to purchase.
Some people suggest that your domain name should basically include your keywords. These are the words that people are likely to search for when looking for the type of services that you offer. Other people would advise that you should choose some form of bubbly name and to try to attract people to the brand. So which of these pieces of advice should you go for?
The answer to this question could be determined by which of the major search engines you are going to attempt to dominate in. For my own sites I want to do well in all of the search engines and would certainly go for a domain name which includes my main keyword. For example if I was offering a web design service I would attempt to buy This domain of course is likely to have been taken years ago and therefore I would then attempt to find a name as close to this such as
I have purchased a large number of domains in my time and it can sometimes take over an hour to find a suitable domain which has not already been taken. My advice is not to rush this task as it is very important, you should be looking to keep this domain for years to come. The older the domain the more respect and authority that the search engines will give to the site.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Adsense vs Domain Parking by James Duarte

Adsense vs Domain Parking
Pay Per Click (PPC) was adopted by thousdands of webmasters as the main source of revenue for their sites.And you´re probably using google adsense as a ppc program.
Now that you know who is the king; you´ll learn more about him. You should know that your account could be cancelled (even if you did nothing to break their rules). Did you know that if someone wants to put you out of the adsense game; all that he has to do is make many clicks in your ads?
Should i stay or should i go from adsense? In my opinion; you should keep your adsense account (if you´re not banned).Be prepared. Take the next step now. Find alternatives. That´s what i think.Domain Parking is one alternative. If you got banned from adsense, or you don´t want to keep on working hard designing sites you shold try domain parking? Never heard about Domain Parking?
Well, it´s a practice that will help you monetize your undevelped (or banned) domains.
Where does the revenue come from? Ads. As any PPC company, they place ads in your site and they´ll pay you for the clicks you get. Examples of domain parking companies are sedo; parked and namedrive.
Many people say they´re making low money with Domain Parking: They don´t know the secrets. They just know the basics.
You can learn more about the domain parking industry (basics + the secrets) reading "Tha Lazy Domainer".
You can start making money with domain parking in 48 hs. or less. Start Today.

Friday, January 5, 2007


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