Monday, January 8, 2007

Cheap Domain Parking - Earn Money From Your Parked Domain by Trevor John

Domain parking is the technical term for what you do between buying your domain name and getting round to doing something with that domain.
Chances are, you've got a number of domains that are parked, waiting for you to bring them to life.
There are various cheap domain parking services around. Some of these cheap domain parking services will help you to get some income out of your domain. Others will just help it to sit there, gathering virtual dust.
The cheapest domain parking service is your domain name registrar. In fact, if you didn't complete any name server details when you purchased your domain, chances are that you are advertising your domain name registrar for free.
The next cheapest domain parking service is your web host. If all you've done is set up the domain with your web host and pointed the name servers at the host, chances are that you will get a page that says something really interesting like "This domain is reserved for one of our customers". Gee!
If neither of those appeal, there are professional domain parking services like They're cheap to join - all it takes is a few minutes of your time - but in my experience the promised revenue turns into very little indeed. Maybe if you've got a domain with a high level of type in traffic then your mileage may vary. But for us mere mortals, I personally don't rate for parking domains.
Finally, there are some paid-for services that will actually do something with your parked domain. You can search your favorite search engine for these. Some of the ones I've found, like, charge a monthly fee. Which is OK if you make a decent amount of money from the domains. The sites created won't be exactly the best in the world - the samples I've looked definitely wouldn't win a web beauty contest. But, that said, if all you're looking for is cheap domain parking where you stand a chance of earning some money until you get round to doing something real with your domain name, then they're well worth checking out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sedo is an entry level parking service. If you really have good quality domains, go with DomainSponsor. They reject most of the applications their receive, but if you get in, the payout are miles better.