Monday, January 8, 2007

Do you need Dedicated Server Hosting? by Tarun Gupta

Do you need Dedicated Server Hosting?
When it comes to website hosting, the biggest question that arises is whether there is a need for dedicated servers?
Before we trying and address that question, let's try and understand what a dedicated server is.
Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated server hosting pertains to having a single server entirely for a network/ website. That in effect means that you would not be sharing a server with others. Moreover, the dedicated servers are available on rent from web hosting companies, so you get a server all to your self and needless to say that has its own set of advantages.
Advantages of Dedicated Server Hosting
* You can provide customized and prompt online support to your clients.
Having a reliable customer support system is vital for any businesses. It gains more prominence in business models which are depended on customer interaction. That's why if your business demands prompt customer support you need to invest on a dedicated server as they are more reliable and secure as compared to shared servers.
* Maintenance of website up-time is easy Website up-time is a measure in percentage referring to the time-frame during which the website is running and is accessible via the World Wide Web. Needless to point out here that the up-time is directly related to the reliability of a website. With a dedicated server, you can monitor your website with relative ease. Which in-turn would definitely assist you in maintaining higher levels of up-time.
* Hardware and Software up gradation
With a dedicated server by your side, you can tweak it as per the peculiar hardware and software requirements of your clients. That may not be easy with shared hosting as you would be sharing space on the server and the settings would be set to common levels and hence you would not be able to change them as often as you would like to change.
* Other value added advantages
With a dedicated server, it would be easy for you to upgrade to bigger bandwidth supporting plans, which makes dedicated server a highly scalable option. Furthermore, with dedicated servers you get the option of availing data and power backup, as that might not be available with shared servers.
Disadvantages of dedicated servers
There are no visible disadvantages with dedicated servers apart from the fact that hosting on them costs you money. Whether it's a disadvantage or not will depend on the scale of your online business and if you are getting hundreds if not thousands of visitors on a daily basis then dedicated servers are the way to go.
For any online business, having a quickly downloadable and reliable website is of paramount importance. And, a dedicated server is the way to go for achieving that and much more.

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