Monday, January 8, 2007

Adsense alternative for lazy people by James Duarte

Adsense alternative for lazy people
Can you imagine the la web without Pay Per Click ads? No.There´s a big name in the PPC industry: Google (with the Google Adsense Program).
But even though adsense is the king at the PPC industry; there are some things that you should care about.
You should know that your account could be cancelled (even if you did nothing to break their rules).
Did you know that if someone wants to put you out of the adsense game; all that he has to do is make many clicks in your ads?
What you should do? If you still have your adsense account keep it. You´ll need to add alternatives to your domain portfolio. That´s the clue.
One alternative (if you got banned from adsense) is using Domain Parking (a great alternative for lazy people like me).
Domain Parking is a way to monetize one (or many) not developed domains.
When you park a domain; you forget about design and content issues: everything it´s managed by the domain parking company.
Where does the revenue come from? Ads. As any PPC company; they place ads in your website and they´ll pay you for the clicks you get.
Examples of domain parking companies are sedo; parked and namedrive. But domain parking has it´s secrets. And if you don´t know them; you won´t make as much as if you know them.
The Lazy Domainer covers the greatest secrets of the domain parking secret. You can start making money with domain parking in 48 hs. or less. Start Today.

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